Imagine an eager new hire ready to contribute on their first day. It’s critical to harness that positive energy from the word: GO! Onboarding doesn’t end once all the paperwork is completed, it’s just beginning. Human resources should develop a comprehensive strategic plan that can positively impact retention, productivity, culture and the bottom line.
- Job offer accepted
Send your new hire access to the company’s online onboarding portal where they can familiarize themself with company acronyms, employee handbook, welcome messages and photos of new teammates. If possible, the use of electronic signatures can eliminate filling out endless forms on the first day.
This is a change for everyone, so help current team members understand how the new hire will impact their responsibilities and how they’ll interact with one another.
- Prep for first day
Alert the front desk to expect and welcome your new hire. The greeter should also know whom to call first. Make sure their workspace is ready with a working phone, computer and password logins. Introduce them to the team and set up a lunch so they can get to know each other and explain the agenda for the week. Assign them a mentor or coach to answer any questions moving forward. Provide clear guidelines so your new employee leaves the first day understanding expectations, objectives…and is, of course, eager to return!
- Week 1
Develop a training program that teaches new team members about the mission, vision, values and culture of your company. This type of training allows employees to understand their role as it relates to the bigger picture.
- Month 1
Provide a manageable flow of training so they can ramp up quickly, but not get completely overwhelmed. HR or a manager should check in and make sure the new employee is set up for success. Do they understand what they’re supposed to be doing and have the tools to do it?
- Months 2 – 6
Once your new hire is up and running, offer feedback or suggestions to any current assignments. Be there to answer questions and show that you care. Also, check in with their mentor to further gauge how they’re adjusting.
It takes some time for a new employee to feel fully invested in a company and there are many factors that can impact whether or not they stay long-term. This decision is usually determined in the first six months of employment. The human resources experts at MidwestHR, a top Chicago PEO in Illinois, help companies develop a comprehensive onboarding strategy. Leveraging best practices for retention, we can tailor a program unique to your work environment. Give us a call 630-468-9286 to get started with HR outsourcing today.