Traditional work environments expect employees to work roughly the same hours every day. This strict policy doesn’t accommodate other important obligations in a person’s life. But, companies can support professional development and personal fulfillment with a creative approach to work by offering flexible work options. Having options can be beneficial for everyone.
Advantages for employees
- By determining their optimal schedule, employees feel empowered to work when they are most productive. Early birds and night owls welcome.
- From waiting for repair technicians to caring for a sick family member, work life balance can be maintained. This positively impacts job satisfaction and overall happiness.
- Commuters can avoid rush hour which save time, money and reduces stress.
Tangible benefits for companies
- Improved employee morale, increased productivity and decreased turnover. These benefit the bottom line by reducing hiring and training costs. It also develops the image of employer of “choice.”
- Companies can hire from a wider talent pool if geography isn’t a limiting factor. This allows employers to tap into stay-at-home parents, military spouses, and professionals with disabilities where commuting isn’t an option.
- Reduced environmental impact with less commuting and fewer office supplies helps lower companies’ carbon footprint.
Getting started
Since no single approach works for all roles in diverse businesses, we recommend developing some general guidelines as opposed to a policy. The guidelines can help supervisors and employees think “outside the box.” It opens up possibilities and helps workers visualize how it can apply to their situation. Whether flextime, telecommuting, compressed workweek, job sharing, or abbreviated schedules, flexibility can support business goals and improve employee satisfaction.
While having employees in the office “less” may feel counter intuitive, it’s something to consider especially if you want to attract and retain top talent. Every company has different requirements, so it’s important to consult with HR experts who can anticipate potential pitfalls. At MidwestHR, a certified professional employer organization (CPEO), we’ve been providing expert HR guidance to our clients for over 20 years. Give us a call 630-468-9286 to learn how your company can be more flexible.