Like with everything COVID, nothing is definitive. It’s a moving target and employers are left making decisions with conflicting guidance. This is today’s reality. While some employees have returned to the office, there are many who are still working remotely. As cases of COVID-19 continue to …
The Impact of the American Rescue Plan Act on Employers
The pandemic has severely impacted so many businesses and their employees. The federal government stepped up to help with the CARES Act last year. Many businesses were grateful to secure PPP loans. As we all know, however, one year later the pandemic is still impacting our lives. Enacted just …
How to Safely Connect with Clients During COVID
Your business model probably looks quite different from last January. From cutbacks, expansions and pivots, the coronavirus crisis has required companies to quickly adjust. That includes how you connect with current and prospective clients. Even when it can’t be face-to-face, there are still plenty …
Tap into the Full Value of Your PEO During COVID
Lay-offs, furloughs, re-hires. Payroll changes. Managing unemployment. Tracking FFCRA emergency sick leave and FMLA leave separately. Applying for the PPP loan, then loan forgiveness. Law changes. Adjusting company policies to address new laws and work from home. Certainly, the …
Key Updates for Illinois Secure Choice Program
If your company does not offer a retirement plan and you haven’t registered for the Illinois Secure Choice program, you may be at greater risk of penalty next year. Avoid any unnecessary fines by understanding the program requirements and all your options. Secure Choice is a state law that …